Game: Final Fantasy 12 (PS2)
Our Rating: Thus far, 6/10
Yes, for such a great series, only a 6.
However, we've only played it a few hours.
It's a great story so far!
The graphics are amazing, too.
However, that alone can't make a game good.
So, why did it get a 6?
The battle system is very annoying and difficult.
Winning is almost impossible without items,
and the amount of Gil, the currency, available,
you can only ever buy a few items,
which are not adequate amounts for battles!
You see, there's an attack gauge you have.
After a bit of time, it's filled, and you can attack.
However, your enemies have that, too.
And the enemies always hit, no matter how far you are.
Well, that's not entirely true,
but you have to be pretty darn far for them to not hit.
But you, on the otherhand,
must be very close to the enemy to get an attack in.
Plus, there's no real way to defend or anything!
It's automatic, but very rare for you to actually block an attack.
And some enemies can kill you in 2 or 3 hits,
which makes it very difficult to get an item in.
Did we mention that this is just in the beginning of the game?
And the number of battles it takes for your character
to level up and get stronger is ridiculous.
See? One ridiculous thing can ruin a game.
And the story looked like it would be good, too...
But if it's so hard to advance, and get to the story,
what's the point in playing the game?
We've given up in FF12.
Yesterday, we began to play Tales of Legendia,
which seems like a pretty good game, thus far,
as all Tales games are. =3
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